Q and A
What is expected during the acupuncture session?
The acupuncture doctor will lead the patient to the individual treatment room. In the treatment room, the doctor will do the assessments which includes taking the chief complaints and health history, doing the physical exam, taking the pulses on the inner parts of the lower arms close to the hands by hand, and looking at the tongue to give a diagnosis and figure out which meridians of the body go wrong , which acupuncture points should be haven acupuncture needles in, and which herbal medication should be prepared to solve the patients’ health problems. After the needles are placed, they will be left in the place for 30 minutes under the light of an infrared lamp. The acupuncture needles are inserted and left in places for 30 minutes when the patient is lying down on the treatment bed. After the 30 minutes, the doctor will come back to the treatment room to take out the acupuncture needles. After the needles are taken out, the doctor will reassess the patient by doing the physical exams again or/and retaking the pulses.
How deep will be the needle put in?
About 0.5 inch.
How many needles will be needed in each session?
10 to 12.
How long will the session last?
Acupuncture …… 40-50 minutes
Acupuncture + 30 minutes acupressure massage …… 1hr 10 minutes to 1hr 20 minutes
Acupuncture + 60 minutes acupressure massage …… 1hr 40 minutes to 1hr 50 minutes
Do I need to wear special clothes for acupuncture or acupressure massage?
No. We do provide clean patient gowns for patients to wear.
How much do acupuncture and/or acupressure massage cost?
Please see “service and fees” section. Just as reminder, we have discounted prices for the patients who do not have health insurance and please call us 626-396-1799 if you want to know your health insurance coverage for acupuncture and acupressure massage.
What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture is an important element of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), which has been practiced in China for more than 3,000 years and is still commonly used worldwide. This therapeutic method treats health problems and promotes the natural healing ability of the body by gentle insertion of hair-size, refined acupuncture needles at certain points along the acupuncture meridians in the body.
What are points and meridians in acupuncture?
Based on TCM theory, energy (known as Chi) travels through meridians in the body like rivers. It runs and nourishes the tissues and organs. Health problems occurs when the circulation of Chi is halted, whether by injury, heat, cold or other influences. Ancient Chinese physicians discovered that stimulation of certain points along the meridians by acupuncture needles can redirect the flow of Chi and help cure diseases, prevent illnesses, and restore harmony. There are more than 300 acupuncture points that are commonly used.
Is acupuncture painful?
All needles used in the acupuncture are very fine and flexible. They are disposable steel needles 0.16 to 2.0 mm in diameter and 1 to 1.5 inches in length. Someones may experience a sense of a minimal pricking pain as the needles are inserted; some do not feel anything at all. Once the needles are in place, there is no pain felt. Most patients find the treatments very relaxing to fall asleep during the treatment.
Is it safe?
Yes. Licensed acupuncturists are required to pass and be certified in the Clean Needle Technique exam to ensure the safety of the treatment. Acupuncturist in this office only uses sterilized, individually packed, disposable needles that never saved or used in multiple treatments, which eliminates the possibility of transmitting a communicable disease by a contaminated needle.
How will I feel after acupuncture?
Patients will usually feel relaxed and calm. Occasionally, you may feel a little tired, drowsy, or light headed for a short period of time. Some patients may experience a slight increase in symptoms before improvements begin. You should have a rest, drink plenty of water, and avoid vigorous exercise after your acupuncture treatments.
How many treatments and how often will I need them?
The number of treatments vary from person to person. Some people experience immediate relief; others may take months or even years to achieve results. Chronic conditions usually take longer to be resolved than acute ones. Plan on a minimum of a month to see significant changes.
Usually the acupuncturist will set up a treatment plan consistent of 10 to 12 treatments. However, mostly Dr. Lin can use acupuncture to resolve patient’s health problems and have significant results in 3 to 5 sessions. Patients with severe Chi imbalance will be seen twice a week until their energy begins to hold balance for longer periods. Once the energy begins to hold balance for longer periods, the treatment will be once a week. Then you can go once a month for maintenance treatment. The ultimate goal is for your body to hold the Chi energy balance on its own and for you to visit an acupuncturist only when temporary stresses bring an imbalance to your Chi.
Should I continue with my prescribed medication while receiving acupuncture treatments?
Yes, at least until you have thoroughly discussed your options with your doctor or the practitioner who prescribed the medication. Many people seek the help of an acupuncturist because of dissatisfaction with drug treatment - whether it does not seem to be working or there are unacceptable side effects. However, DO NOT stop taking any medication without professional guidance.
Why does my acupuncturist recommend herbs?
The herbal medication works on the meridians and acupuncture points on the body like acupuncture does. Normally, the acupuncture is needed to be performed once a day or once every two days according to different health problems. When the patient can only do acupuncture twice a week or once a week, the acupuncture doctor needs to let the patient to take herbal medicine to maintain the efficacy of the acupuncture to reach the treatment goal by working on the meridians and acupuncture points.
What is expected during the acupuncture session?
The acupuncture doctor will lead the patient to the individual treatment room. In the treatment room, the doctor will do the assessments which includes taking the chief complaints and health history, doing the physical exam, taking the pulses on the inner parts of the lower arms close to the hands by hand, and looking at the tongue to give a diagnosis and figure out which meridians of the body go wrong , which acupuncture points should be haven acupuncture needles in, and which herbal medication should be prepared to solve the patients’ health problems. After the needles are placed, they will be left in the place for 30 minutes under the light of an infrared lamp. The acupuncture needles are inserted and left in places for 30 minutes when the patient is lying down on the treatment bed. After the 30 minutes, the doctor will come back to the treatment room to take out the acupuncture needles. After the needles are taken out, the doctor will reassess the patient by doing the physical exams again or/and retaking the pulses.
How deep will be the needle put in?
About 0.5 inch.
How many needles will be needed in each session?
10 to 12.
How long will the session last?
Acupuncture …… 40-50 minutes
Acupuncture + 30 minutes acupressure massage …… 1hr 10 minutes to 1hr 20 minutes
Acupuncture + 60 minutes acupressure massage …… 1hr 40 minutes to 1hr 50 minutes
Do I need to wear special clothes for acupuncture or acupressure massage?
No. We do provide clean patient gowns for patients to wear.
How much do acupuncture and/or acupressure massage cost?
Please see “service and fees” section. Just as reminder, we have discounted prices for the patients who do not have health insurance and please call us 626-396-1799 if you want to know your health insurance coverage for acupuncture and acupressure massage.
What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture is an important element of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), which has been practiced in China for more than 3,000 years and is still commonly used worldwide. This therapeutic method treats health problems and promotes the natural healing ability of the body by gentle insertion of hair-size, refined acupuncture needles at certain points along the acupuncture meridians in the body.
What are points and meridians in acupuncture?
Based on TCM theory, energy (known as Chi) travels through meridians in the body like rivers. It runs and nourishes the tissues and organs. Health problems occurs when the circulation of Chi is halted, whether by injury, heat, cold or other influences. Ancient Chinese physicians discovered that stimulation of certain points along the meridians by acupuncture needles can redirect the flow of Chi and help cure diseases, prevent illnesses, and restore harmony. There are more than 300 acupuncture points that are commonly used.
Is acupuncture painful?
All needles used in the acupuncture are very fine and flexible. They are disposable steel needles 0.16 to 2.0 mm in diameter and 1 to 1.5 inches in length. Someones may experience a sense of a minimal pricking pain as the needles are inserted; some do not feel anything at all. Once the needles are in place, there is no pain felt. Most patients find the treatments very relaxing to fall asleep during the treatment.
Is it safe?
Yes. Licensed acupuncturists are required to pass and be certified in the Clean Needle Technique exam to ensure the safety of the treatment. Acupuncturist in this office only uses sterilized, individually packed, disposable needles that never saved or used in multiple treatments, which eliminates the possibility of transmitting a communicable disease by a contaminated needle.
How will I feel after acupuncture?
Patients will usually feel relaxed and calm. Occasionally, you may feel a little tired, drowsy, or light headed for a short period of time. Some patients may experience a slight increase in symptoms before improvements begin. You should have a rest, drink plenty of water, and avoid vigorous exercise after your acupuncture treatments.
How many treatments and how often will I need them?
The number of treatments vary from person to person. Some people experience immediate relief; others may take months or even years to achieve results. Chronic conditions usually take longer to be resolved than acute ones. Plan on a minimum of a month to see significant changes.
Usually the acupuncturist will set up a treatment plan consistent of 10 to 12 treatments. However, mostly Dr. Lin can use acupuncture to resolve patient’s health problems and have significant results in 3 to 5 sessions. Patients with severe Chi imbalance will be seen twice a week until their energy begins to hold balance for longer periods. Once the energy begins to hold balance for longer periods, the treatment will be once a week. Then you can go once a month for maintenance treatment. The ultimate goal is for your body to hold the Chi energy balance on its own and for you to visit an acupuncturist only when temporary stresses bring an imbalance to your Chi.
Should I continue with my prescribed medication while receiving acupuncture treatments?
Yes, at least until you have thoroughly discussed your options with your doctor or the practitioner who prescribed the medication. Many people seek the help of an acupuncturist because of dissatisfaction with drug treatment - whether it does not seem to be working or there are unacceptable side effects. However, DO NOT stop taking any medication without professional guidance.
Why does my acupuncturist recommend herbs?
The herbal medication works on the meridians and acupuncture points on the body like acupuncture does. Normally, the acupuncture is needed to be performed once a day or once every two days according to different health problems. When the patient can only do acupuncture twice a week or once a week, the acupuncture doctor needs to let the patient to take herbal medicine to maintain the efficacy of the acupuncture to reach the treatment goal by working on the meridians and acupuncture points.